Saturday, August 12, 2023

Movie: Heart of Stone (2023) Caution Spoiler Alert

 Heart of Stone

Came out; 2023

Time; 2 hours 2 minutes

Watched: Netflix

Rated: PG-13 for violence action and some language

IMDB Rating; 5.6/10

Caution; Spoiler Alert


Jing Lusi as Yang

Jamie Dornan as Parker

Paul Ready as Bailey

Gal Gadot as Rachel Stone

Enzo Gilenti as Mulvaney

Joe Reisig as Lars Monroe

Luca Fiamenghi as Cassnova

Alia Bhatt as Kenya Dhawan

Story Line.

An intelligence operative for a shadowy global peacekeeping agency races to stop a hacker from stealing its most valuable and dangerous weapon.


So, I'm not sure where the low ratings of this movie came from. This was pretty good. As in all movies there were some things that weren't believable but that's what makes movies fun!

I was a bit confused as to what Stone's roll was, but it was quickly brought to light. The double cross was something I didn't see coming.

The movie had your typical bad guy's vs good guys plot and there was lots of action, the storyline was a bit different and all in all I thought it was a good movie.

CAUTION; Major Spoiler Alert

In the Italian Alps, an MI6 team is tasked with extracting potential asset and arms dealer, Mulvaney. Rachel Stone, officially in the tech support team in a van with Bailey, is called upon to enter the ski lodge casino to be near enough to hack into security's encryption key.

To maintain her cover while in the casino Stone plays one hand of blackjack, then apparently disappearing. Field agents Parker and Yang are given access to the restricted gambling area, where their plan to inject Mulvaney to fake a heart attack is thwarted by his bodyguard. However, Parker is able to isolate and take him on a cable car.

Meanwhile, Stone feigns a twisted ankle, so the MI6 goes on without her. She reconnects with Charter, the secret peace-keeping organization, to help the MI6 team incognito. Hoping to prevent Mulvaney's security team from taking out Parker, Jack guides Stone so she can get ahead of the car. She takes out the six-man security team, hiding the bodies. However, Mulvaney takes cyanide before they can stop him.

Back in London, the MI6 team are reprimanded for botching the job. Later that night, as the team wind down together, they speculate about the rumored Charter.

Stone goes to Charter headquarters where the head Nomad criticizes her actions. Concerned about young savant hacker Keya, as the possibility of her going there is high, she's told she and the MI6 team is seeking her out in Lisbon. There, they are ambushed by several people. Although Stone is given an escape route, she opts to stay and save her MI6 team. She blows her cover in doing so, only for Parker to kill the other team members. He paralyzes Stone as he relates, he's going after the MacGuffin or "The Heart."

Parker reveals that Keya was working with him in the Alps to shake down Mulvaney. Once discovering the Charter protects and controls The Heart, he put the pressure on the team until Stone reveals herself. Poisoning Stone which immobilizes her, he then embeds a device in her arm which can infiltrate Charter once she's in their facility.

As they revive Stone at Charter headquarters, as soon as she is able, she rips out a device Parker had embedded in her arm to hack into The Heart. Luckily the Locker which protects it is 85,000 feet up, and Jack confirms the Trojan Horse was stopped in time.

Although Nomad takes Stone off the case, she contacts Keya to tell her she's coming to avenge her friends.

The Charter wants to keep the object safe from falling into enemy hands. Parker and Keya retrieve The Heart, only for Stone to intervene and stop them.

Stone and Keya fall in the desert, where Keya reveals the Heart can only be unlocked using her biometric data.

Stone escapes with Parker’s men and flies to Iceland where he is using the Heart to kill The Charter members. Keya realizes about Parker, where she shut down the Heart and helps Stone.

In the ensuing fight, Keya and Stone stop Parker and reactivate the Heart in time to save the lives of Nomad and Charter members.

In the end, Stone is leading a team with Keya and Jack.

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