Thursday, August 31, 2023

Book: Not a Happy Family (Shari Lapena)

 Not a Happy Family

Author; Shari Lapena

See all books at


In this family, everyone is keeping secrets - even the dead.

Brecken Hill in upstate New York is an expensive place to live. You have to be rich to have a house there, and Fred and Sheila Merton certainly are rich. But even all their money can't protect them when a killer comes to call. The Mertons are brutally murdered the night after an Easter dinner with their three adult kids. Who, of course, are devastated.

Or are they? They each stand to inherit millions. They were never a happy family, thanks to their vindictive father and neglectful mother, but perhaps one of the siblings is more disturbed than anyone knew. Did someone snap after that dreadful evening? Or did another person appear later that night with the worst of intentions? That must be what happened. After all, if one of the family were capable of something as gruesome as this, you'd know.


This was hard to get into but once I did, I just couldn't figure it out. These are my favorite types of books, the ones that keep you guessing. Most author's write like this and I'm here for it!

I like that this book starts before the murders, gives you an idea of all the players before everything happens. It gives you insite before hand vs after and during the investigaton.

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