Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Movie; Ouija (2014) Caution; Spoiler Alert


 Ouija (2014) Poster

Came out; 2014
Time; 89 Minutes

Watched on; DVD

Rating; PG-13 for disturbing violent content, frightening horro images and thematic material

IMDB Rating; 44
Rotten Tomatoes Score; 7% Average Rating 3.3/10, Reviews Counted 74. Fresh Score 5, Rotten Score 69. 26% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; A group of friends must confront their most terrifying fears when they awaken the dark powers of an ancient spirit board

Olivia Cooke as Laine Morris
Ana Coto as Sarah Morris
Daren Kagasoff as Trevor
Bianca Santos as Isabelle
Douglas Smith as Pete
Lin Shaye as Paulina Zander

Very tried plot. Girl finds ouija board, girl uses ouija board, spirit comes out, kills girl, blah blah blah. Big old spooky house with creaky floors and a fire place in every room. Perfect setting for a scary movie.

I love nothing more than a good scary movie, but this wasn’t it. It had a few jump scenes but most of the time you knew what was coming and why would you ask the best of friend of your daughter, who just committed suicide to watch your house?

Then Lin Shaye shows up as the sister of the girl haunting the house, but she’s crazy and lies about how to stop everything. I couldn’t help but thinking something else was going to happen with her character since she is a horror movie maiden. Ugg, I wanted so much for this movie to be good and scary, but it wasn’t

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