Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Movie; The Canal (2014) Caution; Spoiler Alert

The Canal

 The Canal (2014) Poster

Came out; 2014
Time; 92 Minutes

Watched on; Netflix

Rating; Un-Sure

IMDB Rating; 5.9
Rotten Tomatoes Score; 81% Average Rating 6/10, Reviews Counted 16. Fresh Score 13, Rotten Score 3. 53% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; Film archivist David (Rupert Evans) has been having a rough time lately, as he suspects that his wife Alice (Hannah Hoekstra) has been cheating on him with Alex (Carl Shaaban), one of her work clients. This stress is compounded when David's work partner Claire (Antonia Campbell-Hughes) gives him a reel of to-be-archived footage that shows that his house was the setting for a brutal murder in 1902. Becoming progressively more unsettled and unhinged, David begins to believe that a spectral presence is in his house and ends up following his wife to a nearby canal, where he discovers that she is indeed having an affair with Alex. When Alice goes missing shortly afterwards, David contacts the police- only to become the prime suspect in her disappearance. As the police grow more convinced that David has murdered his wife, he struggles to find proof of his growing suspicion that something otherworldly was instead responsible.

Rupert Evans as David
Antonia Campbell-Hughes as Claire
Hannah Hoekstra as Alice
Kelly Byrne as Sophie
Calum Heath as Billy

The movie start out pretty slow, married couple, pregnant wife, buying a house. Then it goes forward to a few years later and you come to find out that the house they live in was site to a murder. David finds this out while at his job, where he is a film archivist.

A little later, you find out that his wife is cheating on him with someone she works with. You do find this out in a very graphic sex scene. As I watch these movies with my daughter, I would have liked a little heads up on this one. From this point on, the movie gets better. Are there ghosts, is the house haunted, is David seeing things after his wife’s death? You do find these answers at the end of the movie when you learn that David was the killer but the true end of the movie comes with the child, Billy, throws himself out of a moving car so he can be with his parents on “the other side”

Scary, not really, but definitely creepy

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