Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wax General Thoughts

I love wax, I always have. I burn candles, melt wax in every room of my house and make wax. I used to drive my parents crazy with all my candles in my room.

I have also been making my own for about 2 years and opened my own wax company, Waxidents about a year ago. I've researched, I've experimented and I've tried and failed. Some days I wonder if other companies have gone through the same thing, I also wonder how different companies, who use the same type of wax, have different throw levels.

My personal favorite is soy, especially for candles. I feel that you get a smoother burn with soy, not as much tunneling as you do with other kinds of wax. That does all too depend on the wick used. I also feel like you get a great smelling candle with the right amount of oil used. My personal experience with making soy candles is that not all types of soy are created equal. I had a company that I ordered from sent me the incorrect wax, one that I wasn't used to using, this wax didn't hold as much oil as the one I was used to, all my customers stated that they oil was leaking from their candle when they receive it. I used the same oil in those as I had with the other wax, which is super annoying. Anyway, sorry about my tangent there! :)

Palm Wax is beautiful in all colors, it has this crystal effect that no other wax has. I think it's just pretty, it takes the right person to make it so that the throw is there. As of my writing I have not had a palm wax candle or melt that has had a good throw to it. I have worked with palm wax and have found it very easy to work with and again, everything turns out so pretty! My palm that I made had a great throw to it, but I still prefer soy wax over all others.

Beeswax is a wax that I have also worked it. It's the most natural of the other waxes I think I've talked about. It has it's own scent to it and I have yet to try to scent it anything else, I did try with a Lemon scent and it added to the natural sweet smell of the wax. This is not a wax that I will work with a lot as it it's pretty messy and hard to clean up.

Those are my thoughts for the day. Hope you enjoy it!

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