Thursday, July 23, 2015

Movie; The Lazarus Effect (2015) Caution; Spoiler Alert

The Lazarus Effect

 The Lazarus Effect (2015) Poster

Came out; 2015
Time; 83 Minutes

Watched on; DVD

Rating; PG-13 for intense sequences of horror violence, terror and some sexual references

IMDB Rating; 5.2
Rotten Tomatoes Score; Tomatometer 13%, Average Rating; 3.8/10, Reviews Counted; 84, Fresh; 11, Rotton; 73, 24% Liked it

Caution; Spoiler Alert

Synopsis; A group of medical students discover a way to bring dead patients back to life.

Mark Duplass as Frank
Olivia Wilde as Zoe
Sarah Bolger as Eva
Evan Peters as Clay
Donald Glover as Niko

We rented this movie, thinking with this half star cast, it had the possibility of being decent. Wrong. This is the new age flat liners, with a slightly different concept.

They first bring a dog back to life, then stupidly when Olivia Wilde’s character, Zoe dies, they bring her back.  Of course, things get crazy and she is not who she was.

This movie is slow, boring, uneventful and everyone dies, the end.

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