Monday, May 18, 2015

Hidden Treasure Candles 2014 Order

Vendor; Hidden Treasure Candles (HTC)
Order placed; 8/21/2014

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What ordered; 4 different treasure candles
  1. Bonfire Bliss Treasure Candle (20 ounce) paid $24.99
  2. Hawaiian Breeze Mega Cash (36 ounces) paid $39.99
  3. Sunflowers Treasure Candles (20 ounce) paid $24.99
  4. White Cloud Cash Candle (12 ounces) paid $15.99

Hawaiian Breeze Mega Cash Candle. The cold smell of this candle was very light and nice. Once I started burning this candle, it had no scent at all. This candle came in a very nice jar that is different than most of the jars you’ll get when ordering candles. I logged that I received $5 from this candle

White Cloud Cash Candle; The cold smell of this candle was very strong, it had a “clean” scent. Almost like fabric softner. When burning this candle, the scent was the same clean smell, it just wasn’t very strong. It was the smallest candle of my order and I logged that I received $1 from this candle.

Bonfire Bliss Treasure Candle; The cold smell of this candle was very light and “earthy” I was very turned off by the warm smell of this candle, in fact once I received my prize, I didn’t burn this candle anymore. I logged that I received a necklace from this candle

Sunflowers Treasure Candle; This is the only candle that had and held a strong scent both cold and while burning.  The scent did fizzle out about ½ way through the candle. I did not log what I received from this candle

I did not need to contact customer service for this order so I can not rate them. The shipping on this order was super quick.

This is a company that I won’t order from again as it seems hit or miss as to weather you get a scent throw. I did not receive any extra “love” or a handwritten Thank You from this order. This leads me to believe that HTC is a large company vs. a small vendor

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